Corona Virus Restrictions Updates

June 29, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Its been strange times we live in.
The updates have been released.
Its not great news so far, but its heading in the right direction.

Please see the list below for the most up to date restrictions.

New rules for England

Under the new guidance for England released on Monday, small wedding and civil partnership ceremonies are allowed to go ahead only when they can be done safely and follow social distancing guidelines.

The advice says:

  • The maximum number of 30 people includes everybody at the ceremony - including the couple, witnesses, officiants, guests and suppliers such as photographers and caterers.
  • Ceremonies should be kept "as short as reasonably possible" and limited as much as possible to just the parts that are legally binding
  • Everyone should follow the 2m rule if possible, or 1m with extra safety measures, which will make group portraits difficult. And will likely rule out the tradition of a father walking his daughter down the aisle, unless they live in the same household.
  • No food and drink should be consumed as part of the event
  • Hands should be washed before and after the exchanging of rings, and the rings should be handled by as few people as possible
  • Singing, shouting or playing music at a volume that means people have to raise their voice should all be avoided. Instead of singing, recordings are suggested
  • Speaking during the ceremony - for example saying the responses to the vows - should not be in a raised voice
  • Playing instruments that are blown into should be avoided
  • When singing or chanting is required, only one person is allowed to and the couple or venue should consider installing a clear screen
  • Venues frequently used for weddings should mark the floor with tape or paint to help people maintain social distance.

The government advice also suggests changing traditional wedding layouts to avoid face-to-face seating, improving ventilation or using face masks.


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